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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Heartbroken And Homicidal (My Take On The LP-A Short Review)

Twiztid's Heartbroken And Homicidal LP dropped on tuesday, and It's good but def not what you would expect from Detroit's demented duo. I tweeted earlier today that I felt the album was quite "emo" and Twiztid called me out via Twitter about it (but that's a story for another day.) Anyway, album is dope if you like murder rappers who make a emo-rap album. I do (well, mostly.) Madrox and Monoxide are as lyrical as ever and a lot of the rhymes are on point (as long as you like rhymes about being lonely, sad or whiny) and the overall record has more of a rock vibe. Madrox sings his face painted lungs out on a few tracks! It's a pretty good record but, if you want the serial killaz from D-Town you are used to, this isn't the record for you. Normally I'd have a huge in depth review about a new record from my favorite band but this album is just too different to really point out particulars, either you will really like it or never give it another chance.  Anyway, it's not bad. 3/5.

Tracks To Check Out: "What I'm Feelin" And "Heard Enough"

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