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Monday, August 30, 2010

The Cackling Witch.

  I'm gonna rant for a second so just bare with me (although it's my blog so I'll do what i want anyway.) I want to know why the fuck nobody respects anyone else around them. I went out to grab something to eat at Panera the other day and just as I sit down to eat this lady two tables down decides she is going to yell and laugh at the top of her lungs like a retarded hyena. Actually, thinking back on it she wasn't even laughing... she was straight up cackling like a fucking witch. I wasn't even bothered at first I just figured it was a one time thing and she couldn't possibly make such a vulgar and evil sound two times. She did. Then a third and fourth and fifth time! I know I wasn't the only one annoyed with her because everywhere I looked people were shooting her ice grills, like straight up eye fucking her! How can someone be so oblivious to everyone else in the whole fucking place?!?! Ya know what bitch? I hope someone spit in your soup. Learn some manners.

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